Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Time To Serve

      This is a long time coming, I have been pondering and praying on this matter of serving the Lord and His people for eighteen months for a while now. And my answer is a confident YES! It is my turn to serve.
        I had this perfect little plan for my life, but when I put my life in the Lord's hands completely I had another plan laid out before me. This is a plan of service and I couldn't be happier. I plan on having my papers turned in by next Sunday and am so enthusiastic and grateful for the opportunity to serve.
It has become super challenging to focus on school and calling and not just want to leave now and focus on that, but with the my Savior it is been made easier. I am so grateful to my family for their support and help through this decision. I love them so much and eternally grateful to them for raising me in the true and everlasting Church of Christ.

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