Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Devotional Day

Yesterday was busy, but it is school so it is a given, but today I have one hour of break! It is the best day of the week, Devotional day. I love being able to stop and just go and sing get some revelation and sit in peace for a whole hour it is very nice.
A few days ago I can across a quote by President Hinckley that I just loved it was:

And so, my dear young men, you may not think seriously about it now,
 but the time will come when you will fall in love.
 It will occupy all of your thoughts and be the stuff of which your dreams are made.
 Make yourself worthy of the loveliest girl in all the world." President Gordon B. Hinckley
I love this he is talking to the young men in this quote but I feel that he wouldn't mind if I used it to apply to me too! I am just so grateful that I am a member of this church. I feel so blessed to know my Heavenly Father on a personal level, and know that repentance is always an option. I love my Savior and my Family, they are the two most important things in my life. I am especially grateful to be living so close to the temple again, what a true blessing it is to live within walking distance of a House of God.

1 comment:

  1. I am so grateful to have you for a daughter you are so thoughtful and devoted to your goals.
