Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Moving Forward

This week I had an epiphany. Yes I had a life changing epiphany that will change the next three to four years of my life. I have decided that I do not need to be married RIGHT NOW. I barley know who I am. I have been told since graduation that all I really need to do is find that man and marry him settle down and have babies, don't get me wrong I want that. I want babies and a man to love me, but I want it to be idyllic. I want a guy that has the same standards and goals as me and right now in life that man is not here or been found. So it is time to focus on me and focus on schooling. In a year I will be able to get a real job were I can teach children and make money have benefits and insurance, maybe after some time of my real job I will and that man I will settle down with will be ready and we can have Babies:)

I move tomorrow, and this new outlook is perfect to go back  to school. Now I just have to stay strong and not let all the little comments on why I am not married yet get me down. I know the Lord has a great plan for me and now it is my time to be patient and happy where I am now. So BYU-I patrons and people of the world, BACK OFF. I will get married and it will be a beautiful wedding, beautiful marriage, and a beautiful eternity that will cause you all to stare and be jealous.

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