Thursday, September 6, 2012

Moving Day... Love My BeAuTiFuL Mother

Today was moving day again, back to college I go. I always look forward and dread this day at the same time. This time it was a little different and a LOT better. My mom came with me, she helped me get my room set up she went shopping for food with me, she came with me to get my books and she over all made it fanfreakingtastic! I am so eternally grateful for my mom she is beautiful inside and out and always giving and thinking of others. Thank you Mom. Thank you for coming today and making all the stress and worry disappear. Thank you for always being there for me! I love you Mom.
I did not even think to take a picture of us together in my wonderful room. So this is me telling her thank you! Big cheesy smile and all:)

1 comment:

  1. It was a great day. I'm so glad I was able to move you to school this year. It is going to be a good semester for you I can feel it in my bones....Ha
