Tuesday, November 6, 2012


How lucky am I to have this beautiful house of The Lord so close to me. I am grateful for this blessing and am so excited to serve The Lord for the next eighteen months!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Time To Serve

      This is a long time coming, I have been pondering and praying on this matter of serving the Lord and His people for eighteen months for a while now. And my answer is a confident YES! It is my turn to serve.
        I had this perfect little plan for my life, but when I put my life in the Lord's hands completely I had another plan laid out before me. This is a plan of service and I couldn't be happier. I plan on having my papers turned in by next Sunday and am so enthusiastic and grateful for the opportunity to serve.
It has become super challenging to focus on school and calling and not just want to leave now and focus on that, but with the my Savior it is been made easier. I am so grateful to my family for their support and help through this decision. I love them so much and eternally grateful to them for raising me in the true and everlasting Church of Christ.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wonders In Life

I am one blessed girl. I have been apart of this great gospel my whole life, I have the most wonderful family, and I attend a great university. There are so many things that I am grateful for in my life one of them this week is the opportunity I have to attend the Mormon Tabernacle Choir presentation this Friday night. The power of music is incredible and I am so blessed to have the Holy Ghost in my life to help me recognize these tender mercies that I have in my life.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Devotional Day

Yesterday was busy, but it is school so it is a given, but today I have one hour of break! It is the best day of the week, Devotional day. I love being able to stop and just go and sing get some revelation and sit in peace for a whole hour it is very nice.
A few days ago I can across a quote by President Hinckley that I just loved it was:

And so, my dear young men, you may not think seriously about it now,
 but the time will come when you will fall in love.
 It will occupy all of your thoughts and be the stuff of which your dreams are made.
 Make yourself worthy of the loveliest girl in all the world." President Gordon B. Hinckley
I love this he is talking to the young men in this quote but I feel that he wouldn't mind if I used it to apply to me too! I am just so grateful that I am a member of this church. I feel so blessed to know my Heavenly Father on a personal level, and know that repentance is always an option. I love my Savior and my Family, they are the two most important things in my life. I am especially grateful to be living so close to the temple again, what a true blessing it is to live within walking distance of a House of God.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Two Wheels Instead Of Four

So this semester I have the opportunity for more exercise, I do not have my car this semester, which is a good thing. I rode into town with my roommate this morning and man was it scary. There are cars and pot holes and railroad tracks, it is like the tower of terror scary but without a lap belt to insure your safety. My little red bike and I are going to become the best of partners though and hopefully it will only get better:) The new me, ADVENTUROUS.

My cute little bike

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Moving Day... Love My BeAuTiFuL Mother

Today was moving day again, back to college I go. I always look forward and dread this day at the same time. This time it was a little different and a LOT better. My mom came with me, she helped me get my room set up she went shopping for food with me, she came with me to get my books and she over all made it fanfreakingtastic! I am so eternally grateful for my mom she is beautiful inside and out and always giving and thinking of others. Thank you Mom. Thank you for coming today and making all the stress and worry disappear. Thank you for always being there for me! I love you Mom.
I did not even think to take a picture of us together in my wonderful room. So this is me telling her thank you! Big cheesy smile and all:)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Moving Forward

This week I had an epiphany. Yes I had a life changing epiphany that will change the next three to four years of my life. I have decided that I do not need to be married RIGHT NOW. I barley know who I am. I have been told since graduation that all I really need to do is find that man and marry him settle down and have babies, don't get me wrong I want that. I want babies and a man to love me, but I want it to be idyllic. I want a guy that has the same standards and goals as me and right now in life that man is not here or been found. So it is time to focus on me and focus on schooling. In a year I will be able to get a real job were I can teach children and make money have benefits and insurance, maybe after some time of my real job I will and that man I will settle down with will be ready and we can have Babies:)

I move tomorrow, and this new outlook is perfect to go back  to school. Now I just have to stay strong and not let all the little comments on why I am not married yet get me down. I know the Lord has a great plan for me and now it is my time to be patient and happy where I am now. So BYU-I patrons and people of the world, BACK OFF. I will get married and it will be a beautiful wedding, beautiful marriage, and a beautiful eternity that will cause you all to stare and be jealous.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Gentlemen vs. Guys

How do we tell a gentlemen versus a guy? At this point in my life sometimes i fell the only thing people expect of me is to woo a guy and marry him, but i don't want a guy i want a gentlemen. I want that gentlemen that you read about in books, respectful, traditional meaning he opens my door, he walks on the outside, he carries in the groceries, loving, playful, priesthood worthy, great person. You know, that one? The thing is that gentlemen, he is really hard to find.
Some call me picky too many standards, I say to them, "I am sorry you had to settle." He is out there. The person that will maybe not always agree with you but he will respect and not belittle your opinion. The person that will respect and protect his family and his country. The person that will take pride in all he does. The person that won't go in for a kiss/kill on the first night he will be a gentlemen and know that you both need to get to know each other, and if he really likes and respects you he will wait until you are his girlfriend and has intentions on pursuing you. He will ask my dads permission to marry me, he will hold his membership in the Church as a top priority, and he will be honest, faithful, and loving to his wife.
I know that gentlemen are hard to come by in this day, in this world, but they are out there and girls you deserve them. Drop the guys you are settling for, and demand a gentlemen. Be a lady yourself and you will attract the gentlemen. And to you gentlemen out there, don't settle for just the girls, wait hold out for us ladies.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I started a series about two years ago, by Traci Abramson, and I must say she is my favorite author right now. She writes in a way that just captures me and every time I open the books I become apart of the battlefield or love. These books are about six navy seals that find who they are and their other half's.
 These men are selfless they give complete strangers everything they have they even put their lives on the line more than once for people they have known for only minutes. These men also are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I just find that I want to be more like them. I want to be selfless in my giving, I want to give all that I have with no regret to the stranger on the street. I want to save a life. I may not be able to take a bullet for them but I can bring them the Gospel, I can share my Testimony selflessly.

I accept the challenge that these fictional characters have brought to my attention. That is to be selfless. I am going to give this life everything I have. I am going to save lives and give the clothes of my back, weather the Lord wants me to literally or figuratively I am ready and prepared to give all I have.